Iboih beach

Nangroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) is a region which is the most western islands of Indonesia. Although NAD been volatile over the past few years, it does not diminish the interest of tourists to visit the various tourist attractions in Aceh.

One of the famous tourist areas in Aceh is Pulau Weh with several beaches. In the city there are Sabang Pulau Weh has Balohan seaport. In addition to Weh Island, in the northern part of the province are Breueh Island, Island Deudap and Keureusek Island.

Transport Banda Aceh to Sabang on Weh Island

Map of Pulau Weh - Religious Tourism in Aceh

Review tourist attractions will discuss beauty Iboih Beach on Pulau Weh. To reach the island of Weh, first travelers choose air transport towards Sultan Iskandar Muda Airport in the provincial capital, Banda Aceh.
Not far from Banda Aceh there are places to eat delicious, precisely in Ulhee Lheu. Name Mie Razali place. Place in Aceh have a menu mainstay taste noodles with seafood, the Shrimp and Noodle Noodle Crab. If you are on holiday to the tourist attractions around Banda Aceh, a time to taste the pleasures of the famous Mie Razali.
From Banda Aceh, the journey continues to the port type Ulhee Lheu to cross to the island of Weh. Sea transport options twofold fast ferry ferry at 4 pm or later at 2 pm local time. If tourists want to enjoy sea travel, it is better to choose slow ferry .
Tourists can take pictures of the natural attractions on the island of Sumatra. Aceh's beautiful from the ferry. When the ferry ride was slow, it took two hours to arrive at the Port Balohan, Pulau Weh. During the sea journey, do not keep the camera out of your reach because there are many interesting spots to target.

Vacation to Beaches Iboih in Pulau Weh

Pulau Weh is nothing more than a small island at one edge of the Indian Ocean. However, the island has incredible natural beauty. Tourists who visit can visit Lake Aneuk Laot, diving, snorkeling, or just relaxing on the beach.
Famous attractions in Pulau Weh is Iboih Beach. Iboih is a coastal village in Pulau Weh. The village is made ​​up of coastal and highland areas. Iboih beach has crystal clear water and can be used to swim. Dusk on the beach Iboih is fabulous
In addition to the beach area, there is a plateau region Iboih developed to support tourism center Pulau Weh. Iboih has restaurants, hotels, bungalows, and share your vacation spot supporting facilities built very nice.
Not far from the island of Pulau Weh are Rubiah. Travelers can view panoramic sea background Rubiah island of Pulau Weh bungalows balcony. Chatting at dusk with Rubiah Island in the distance looked really reassuring. You will forget all the fatigue of daily work.

Enjoy Romantic Night on the Beach Iboih

As the day went evening, tourists visiting Iboih not be able to enjoy the lights because electricity supply to Iboih sometimes there sometimes not. When there is no electricity, light candles and flashlights will be emergency lighting during dinner.
Romantic atmosphere in the beach area is a natural beauty that you rarely get. In the dark of night, you can look at the shining star on Pulau Weh with people you care about. So sweet.
One of the unique sights in Iboih beach is warm and familial atmosphere of the managers of tourist resorts. There are Oong's Cafe, which offers home-cooked culinary flavors. While on vacation away from home, travelers will still find it to be among their families.
Menu style meal served in, among others, know tauco, fried tempeh, eggplant tauco, and various other fisherman catches menu. If you've got a family atmosphere like this, any food will taste delicious on the tongue tourists.

Natural Beauty Underwater Iboih Beach

Treat yourself warm as relatives not only given to domestic tourists but also foreign tourists. For example, when there was a pair of men and women from state Rep.. Czech.
Although constrained ability to speak English, between local and foreign tourists can mingle and share stories of their holiday trips. If you meet a true backpacker there, that's the perfect opportunity to gain experience holidays.
Spend the night without electricity in the Coast Iboih quite memorable. Travelers can sleep in peace without fear of interference noise from the surrounding environment. And when the morning had come, the event continues with a snorkeling vacation Iboih Coast.
Beach that was hit by the tsunami a few years ago this seemed not stop preening themselves. The white sand, coral reefs and thousands of beautiful fish would welcome any divers who visit and explore Iboih Beach.
The natural beauty and hospitality of Sabang city dwellers, especially those Iboih, a major attraction of tourist attractions in Aceh. State Veranda of Mecca rich culture and glorious scenery beautiful.
Let's recognize the cultural richness of the country itself with a walk around the archipelago!

source :  http://tempatwisata.web.id