Anoi Itam Beach

By a motorcycle or a car trip to the beach Anoi Itam usually taken the time to 30 minutes from the town of Sabang with a distance of approximately 13 kilometers. Beaches Anoi Itam usually visited by local tourists that brought relatives to menikmanti panorama and sand beaches. In this place also boasts a cafe and enjoy foods such as salad that characterizes this place.

The beauty of a beach not only of the natural landscape surrounding it. Sand beaches are also taking part in beautifying the beach. Indonesian waters most of their range also has a sand beach with a wide variety of interesting shapes and textures.
Anoi Itam, a charming beach of Sabang city has had a very black sand. Itam Anoi beach is the only black sand beach in Aceh. That said, the sand on the beach contains nickel that weighs 3 times more than other black sand. If you feel the sand is greater, as if seeing and stepping on seed grains of black pepper.

Beaches Anoi Itam also had a very nice, especially when seen from a Japanese bunker not far from there. From the bunker, you can also see the breadth of the ocean decorated with turquoise shades are very pretty. In addition, visitors can also see the expanse of sea and mountain Seulawah and could see other diners who were indulging in crystal clear sea water Anoi Itam. However, you need to know, when playing in the water here should be wary of the waves are quite strong and the many sharp rocks.

Visitors who usually come to the beach Anoi Itam very diverse, ranging from the local community, local and foreign tourists. For beach lovers try visiting here! The uniqueness and beauty of the beach Anoi Itam surely hypnotize your eyes.