Alue Naga is one village (village) which is located in
District Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh. Gampong is located on the waterfront, there
is also a small lake and several ponds owned by residents.
Beaches Alue Naga means
dragon beaches, white sand along roaring wide, the eastern coastal city of Banda Aceh could be
developed into a marine tourism
Visitors bathe
on the beach adjacent to the warning signs of dating ban on display of local
residents in the village of Alue Naga,
District Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh. Application
of Islamic Shari'a in Aceh
is not only regulate
society Muslim dress, ban gambling, liquor, but
tourist sites are also prohibited
two-duan visitors
who are not mahram.
Source :
(Berita Daerah - Banda Aceh)